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Chapter 1: The Publisher Fox


Chapter 1: The Publisher Fox

Starlight filtered down through the leaves, casting soft shadows on the forest floor. The eyes of a small fox shone brightly with reflected light as it walked through the trees. Its colorful bow tie made it clear this was no ordinary fox. In one hand it held a stack of loose papers, in the other a small hammer, and clutched tightly in its mouth were a surprising number of nails. The fox stopped and swiftly nailed one of its pages to a tree. As the fox continued on its way, its tail whisking cheerily back and forth, a breeze gently swayed the tree's branches and allowed a beam of light to momentarily brighten the page. It read: "THE NOVEL FOX, A Publishing Company, seeks to partner with author fox to produce new fiction. If interested, please inquire at the small green house located at the center of the forest."

Publisher Fox

Learn more about The Novel Fox Publisher here...

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Chapter 2: The Author Fox

Chapter 2: The Author Fox

Some nights later, a different fox stood before the front door of the small green house. The fox adjusted a pinched black hat that sat atop its head, took a deep breath, and knocked. The publisher fox opened the door, its bow tie slightly askew, its fur ruffled and a book tucked under one arm. The publisher fox was about to speak when its eyes widened at the sight of the manuscript held by the fox at its door. At the publisher fox’s request, the guest handed over its manuscript and watched as the publisher fox began reading and wandered away, gesturing for its guest to follow. The guest quietly stepped inside and trailed the publisher fox as it circled a cosmic sized telescope hung in the center of its house. After several laps, the publisher fox stopped reading and spun on its heels, looked back at its guest with a large smile spread across its face, and said, "Pardon me, but I don't believe I've introduced myself. I, as I assume you know, am a publisher fox, and you, my friend, are most assuredly an author fox."

Author Fox

Learn more about The Novel Fox Author here...

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Chapter 3: The Reader Fox

Chapter 3: The Reader Fox

The publisher fox’s tail once again whisked cheerily as it greeted its first evening guest. It was a reader fox wearing a pair of bright colored glasses and a patterned bandana around its head. The reader fox held its much worn copy of the author fox’s new book tightly to its chest as it eagerly followed the publisher fox down a winding staircase to its den. In the middle of the book-filled den, near a pair of puffy armchairs, the publisher fox introduced reader to author, and excited conversation ensued.  Over the course of the evening the den slowly filled with other fervent reader foxes, the publisher fox keeping things lively with readings, refreshments, and ragtime music. Before the night came to an end, the publisher fox quietly asked the author fox, “Are you ready to announce your next book?”  The eager reader fox overheard the question and yipped with excitement.

Reader Fox

Learn more about The Novel Fox Reader here...